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Created by the Public Governance Directorate

This website was created by the OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI), part of the OECD Public Governance Directorate (GOV).

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MAGMA Indonesia is an system that streamlines the process of geological hazard mitigation. It raises the bar on the standard of data monitoring and management for Indonesian government agencies. MAGMA digitizes relevant geological data into integrated databases, making them easier to analyze and use. Frequent readings and analytics can now be made ready in an almost-real-time manner. As a public service, MAGMA makes geological hazard mitigation and assessment available for free, anytime and…
A collaboration between government and community, Systemic Design eXchange (SDX) is an Edmonton-based community of practice for people interested in learning about systemic design as a methodology for addressing complex, real world issues. Together, we explore systems thinking, design thinking, and change lab approaches. With a bias towards learning by doing, SDX aims to be a watering hole where multiple sectors can come together, learn together, and act together.
The Michigan Economic Development Corp (MEDC) teamed up with private partner Patronicity to launch a first of its kind crowd-granting program to help create vibrant communities throughout Michigan. The crowdgranting model streamlines the granting process, increases community engagement and results in more sustainable projects that better serve and impact the communities they are within. Of the 170 completed projects, 165 of them exceeded their crowdfunding goal at a ratio of total private…
Conditions in Indonesia today are contrary to the principle of openness towards intellectual property (IP). The presence of a digital IP management platform called INTIP DAQU would uncover valuable information of technologies produced through R&D by Indonesian institutions. INTIP DAQU has been utilized by universities, R&D institutions and regional governments on a Free-License basis, while IP data between institutions are interconnected, creating a technology marketplace.
Better Reykjavik is a co-creation project of the Citizens Foundation, Reykjavik City and its citizens that connects them and improves trust and policy. It’s a platform for crowdsourcing solutions to urban challenges and has multiple democratic functions: Agenda setting, Participatory budgeting and Policymaking. Innovations include unique debating system, crowd-sourcing, submission of multimedia content and extensive use of AI to improve the user experience as well as content submitted.